Uinta Basin Railway Environmental Impact Statement

The Seven County Infrastructure Board propose this project to construct a railroad connecting the Uinta Basin to Carbon County, just north of Helper, Utah. The Board is funding the environmental and associated work with $28 million in grants from the Community Impact Board. The CIB funding is being challenged in a lawsuit brought by the Center for Biological Diversity and Living Rivers. The NMCC is not involved in litigation over the project and it seems unlikely we would become so involved. 

There are three alternative routes discussed in the EIS. All would effect Nine Mile Canyon and its tributaries to some degree. There will be direct impacts to cultural/historical resources and modifications of the drainages entering Nine Mile from the North. If you've spent time in the canyon, you know it is prone to flash floods and debris flows. The railroad would alter the drainage pattern on several hundred drainage crossings. These would be in the zone where flash floods and debris flows originate, and would have a direct impact on resources in Nine Mile Canyon. 

We are participating in both the EIS and associated programmatic Agreement for cultural resources. Both are works in progress -- we are committed to the long haul to make sure Nine Mile Canyon is considered and protected.


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